Grad Program Partnerships

Discover Personalized Partnership Programs with RCOA.

RCOA proudly offers customized partnership opportunities with schools across British Columbia. As a provincial online school (POLS), we extend the option to partner with us in two distinctive ways:
  1. Cross-Enrolled Courses: For Grades 8-12 students, we offer a variety of cross-enrolled courses, allowing students to access a broader range of educational opportunities.
  2. Full Graduation Program: RCOA serves as the school of record (SOR) for a comprehensive Grades 10-12 graduation program. Students benefit from our dynamic curriculum while earning their high school diploma.
If your school is smaller and lacks a Grades 10-12 program, we’re eager to explore tailored options. Imagine your senior high students attending ‘class’ on your campus, engaging in blended online courses with RCOA, and participating in essential programs such as chapel and hands-on learning experiences at your school.
Ready to explore the possibilities? Contact for more information and to discuss how our partnership programs can benefit your school community.