English Language Arts
RCOA courses begin in September and finish in June. Summer classes are not offered.

Composition 10

English Studies 12

Literary Studies 10

Composition 11

New Media 10

Creative Writing 11
Creative Writing 10
Literary Studies 11
New Media 11
Creative Writing and Literary Studies 10 Combination Course
Creative Writing and New Media 10 Combination Course
Composition and Literary Studies 10 Combination Course
Composition and New Media 10 Combination Course
English First Peoples 12
NEW Humanities Plus (HUM+)
NEW Humanities Plus (HUM +)

2 Credits
Composition 10
A grade 10 English Language Arts course for those who prefer to read and write for information.
Have you ever overheard a discussion on a great classic novel, full of layers and lessons and ambiguous interpretations and thought to yourself, “What could be worse?”
Do you find that the majority of your reading is articles on people, history, newspapers, blogs or other real-life literature? Do you prefer realism to fantasy?
Composition 10 is a unique course designed for those who prefer to read for information, rather than imagination. It will challenge you to think critically, creatively and collaboratively while learning to compose essays, satirical works, blogs, and advertisements in a way that is honouring to God by developing integrity through learning proper citation methods and digital citizenship.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:2 plays, one essay, and a variety of online texts
Time for Completion:45-55 hours

4 Credits
English Studies 12
A grade 12 English Language Arts course to explore ideas and perspectives through stories, poetry, articles, blogs, news stories and pictures.
Language is all around us, there’s no escaping it, and to master life, students need to master language. That means getting good at reading books and blogs, articles and manuals, viewing the nightly TV news, photographs, Facebook feeds and feature films. It is useful to remember that when language leapt off the page and onto the screen, it didn’t change that much. The same literacy skills that helped past generations navigate their media landscapes will serve current students too: Identify purpose and theme. This course is all about honing literacy smarts so that students can be critical and engaged members of the Christian community and society at large.
The course concludes with a project exploring Reconciliation in Canada.
Pre-requisite:Any English Language Arts 11
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:A variety of short texts | Two novels
Time for Completion:90-110 hours

2 Credits
Literary Studies 10
An English 10 course that explores the wonderful world of literature.
If you’re a bookworm; a “the book was better than the movie” die hard; and a lover of older, classic novels; this may be the course for you.
Students will learn several close reading strategies to guide them through a number of short stories and one novel. Biblical and historical texts and speeches are woven in throughout as inspiration for the composition of your own original works and critical essays. This course also provides a strong introduction to anti-plagiarism skills and touches on digital citizenship.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:50-60 hours

4 Credits
Composition 11
A grade 11 English Language Arts course for those who prefer to read and write for information.
Have you ever overheard a discussion on a great classic novel, full of layers and lessons and ambiguous interpretations and thought to yourself, “What could be worse?”
Do you find that the majority of your reading is articles on people, history, newspapers, blogs or other real-life literature? Do you prefer realism to fantasy?
Composition 11 is a unique course designed for those who prefer to read for information, rather than imagination. It will challenge you to think critically, creatively and collaboratively while learning to compose essays, letters, and creative non fiction pieces in a way that is honouring to God by developing integrity through learning proper citation methods and digital citizenship
Pre-requisite:4 credits of English Language Arts 10
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Research essay
Resources:Variety of materials including the novel Fatty Legs “by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton"
Time for Completion:90-110 hours

2 Credits
New Media 10
An English 10 course with a digital focus, combining the best of both written and alternative texts in fun and creative ways.
Do you spend a lot of time online, reading articles, message boards, and watching videos to learn about a topic? Do you prefer watching the movie version of a novel?
New Media 10 is a unique course that is specifically designed for visual learners who prefer a more digital approach to their learning. You will watch and critique documentaries, movies, and other digital texts, be challenged to think about purpose and bias in media, and bring Christian perspective to bear on the issues raised.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:50-60 hours

4 Credits
Creative Writing 11
A grade 11 English Language Arts course for those with a passion for sharing stories through song, poetry, plays, and novels.
Creative Writing 11 offers you an opportunity to become a confident, self-expressive writer who can effectively work in a variety of creative mediums and for a variety of purposes. You will have an opportunity to work in a supportive community of collaborators where you can safely develop and hone your skills through the writing process, focusing on your personal and cultural identity. You are invited to express yourself creatively and experiment with, reflect on and adjust your writing skills in the creation of picture books, short stories, poetry, lyrics, dialogue scripts and narrative novel writing. If interested, learners will be able to engage in creative writing topics that deeply focus on Christian principles, inquiries and Biblical stories while taking ownership of your own voice and offering the world a story of hope and change.
Pre-requisite:4 credits of English Language Arts 10
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Self-Assessments, Projects
Resources:Novels, short stories, online material
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
2 Credits
Creative Writing 10
A grade 10 English Language Arts course for those who desire to develop creative writing skills through a variety of genres culminating in the start of a novel.
Creative Writing 10 offers you an opportunity to become a better writer while exploring your personal stories and cultural identity. This course will provide you with a supportive community of collaborators where you can develop and hone your skills through the writing process. You are invited to express yourself creatively as you experiment with, reflect on, and refine your writing skills in the creation of dialogue, scripts, short stories and narrative novel writing. If interested, you will be able to engage in creative writing topics that deeply focus on Christian principles, inquiries and Biblical stories while being encouraging and gracious towards your classmates and yourself.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:55-60 hours
4 Credits
Literary Studies 11
A grade 11 English Language Arts course for those who enjoy reading and analyzing stories and novels.
If you’re a bookworm; a “the book was better than the movie” die hard; and a lover of older, classic novels and plays; this may be the course for you.
In Literary Studes 11, you’ll explore some of the uses of written and spoken language. You’ll refine techniques that will help you read and listen closely, noticing the ways that writers harness the immense power of words for their specific and unique purposes. You’ll try your hand at the arts of persuasion and storytelling. Ultimately, you’ll become a more savvy consumer and practitioner of language.
Pre-requisite:4 credits of English Language Arts 10
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
New Media 11
A grade 11 English Language Arts course for those seeking to be savvy consumers and creators of media.
In this exciting and innovative English Language Arts course, students study a variety of media forms: advertising, indigenous picture books, while evaluating how media can be manipulated by corporations and governments to persuade, misinform, or dis-inform consumers. They’ll learn to consider media critically, evaluating its purpose and bias, and bringing a Christian perspective to bear on the issues raised.
Pre-requisite:4 credits of English Language Arts 10
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
Creative Writing and Literary Studies 10 Combination Course
If you’re a bookworm; a “the book was better than the movie” die hard; and a lover of older, classic novels; as well as someone who loves to put pen to paper to express themselves creatively; this may be the course for you.
Creative Writing & Literary Studies 10 offers students an opportunity to become better writers while exploring personal stories and cultural identity. This course provides a supportive community of collaborators where students can develop and hone skills through the writing process. They are invited to express themselves creatively as they hone reading and analysis skills then experiment with, reflect on, and refine their writing skills in the creation of dialogue, narrative, and essay writing. Writing topics challenge students to deeply focus on Christian principles, inquiries, and Biblical stories while being encouraging and gracious towards classmates and themselves. Constructive criticism and encouragement are integral parts of learning to create something authentic and true.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Quiz, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
Creative Writing and New Media 10 Combination Course
A grade 10 combination of both creative writing and media focused content. If you enjoy writing creatively as well as reading, viewing and critiquing digitally focused content, this course may be perfct for you!
Creative Writing & New Media 10 offers students an opportunity to become better writers while exploring stories, including personal stories, and a variety of media. This course provides a supportive community of collaborators where students can develop and hone skills through the writing process. They are invited to express themselves creatively as they hone analytical skills as well as reflect on and refine writing skills in the creation of dialogue, narrative, and essay writing. Writing topics challenge students to deeply focus on Christian principles, inquiries, and Biblical stories while being encouraging and gracious towards classmates and themselves. Constructive criticism and encouragement are integral parts of learning to create something authentic and true.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
Composition and Literary Studies 10 Combination Course
If you find yourself enjoying both fiction and non fiction reading equally, then a combination of Composition and Literary Studies may be perfect for you!
Composition and Literary Studies 10 combines analyzing and writing articles on people, history, newspapers, blogs, or other real-life literature with the exploration of story. Designed to provide opportunities to read for information and imagination, in this course students will learn techniques to read closely, hunting for clues to how the author understands the world. It will challenge them to think critically, creatively, and collaboratively while learning to compose essays, satirical works, blogs, and advertisements in a way that honours God by developing integrity through learning proper citation methods and digital citizenship. Participating in a Book Club encourages students to view stories through other perspectives.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
Composition and New Media 10 Combination Course
Do you spend a lot of time online, reading articles, message boards, and watching videos to learn about a topic? Do you prefer watching the movie version of a novel? Do you prefer real life literature?
In this exciting and innovative English Language Arts: Composition and New Media course, students will study a variety of media forms as well as other forms of writing. They’ll learn to consider texts critically, evaluating its purpose and bias, and bringing a Christian perspective to bear on the issues raised. As well, this course will challenge students to think creatively, and collaboratively while learning to compose essays, infographics, satirical works, blogs, and advertisements in a way that honours God by developing integrity through learning proper citation methods and digital citizenship.
Pre-requisite:English Language Arts 9
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
4 Credits
English First Peoples 12
When taken together, Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 and English First Peoples 12 complement each other. Half of the content in each course overlaps directly with the other, so students will have a reduced workload when taking these at the same time while earning full credit for both courses. Together, these courses use a variety of visual media, historical documents and literary texts to explore themes of Indigenous worldview, colonization, and identity. Students are challenged to reflect on these things from a compassionate and nuanced Christian perspective.
Pre-requisite:Any English Language Arts 11
Grading Scheme:Assignments, Projects
Resources:A variety of short texts
Time for Completion:90-110 hours
NEW Humanities Plus (HUM+)
HUM+ is an online asynchronous course that guides learners through the learning requirements for ELA/ SS/ Careers and ADST Grade 8.
Project-based learning enables students to enhance their executive functioning and technology skills while exploring research and writing through topics such as the Medieval period from the Fall of Rome to the time of castles, creative writing, and Shakespeare’s works. Biblical and historical texts are woven in through this course, and students will be given an introduction to anti plagiarism skills through a Christian lens.
Pre-requisite:Grade 7
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:70-90 hours
NEW Humanities Plus (HUM +)
HUM+ is an online asynchronous course that guides learners through the learning requirements for ELA/ SS/ Careers and ADST Grade 9.
Project-based learning enables students to enhance their executive functioning and technology skills while exploring research and writing through topics such as the Renaissance, Revolutions, Canadian Confederation and creative writing. Biblical and historical texts are woven in through this course, and students will be introduced anti plagiarism skills through a Christian lens.
Pre-requisite:Grade 8
Resources:Variety of materials
Time for Completion:70-90 hours